Love and revenge

•October 24, 2009 • Leave a Comment

Good morning people.

I apologize for posting here just in weekends to tell you the summary of my week. You know, the life has some reasons for making jokes to you sometimes, and in just one week, you stop being the “lonely boy” to become a “person with dates” again.

I met this boy in the internet. Yes, most of you should know that I don’t like virtual dating (anymore). But this one is different. This boy studies in the same University that I do. So, I will be able to see him a lot… And thank God! That’s what I needed in my life. He kisses so well… and he has this slim body, just the way I like. And he is cute… I am really enjoying him!

You know, someone just said to me that “nothing is better to forget someone that knowing someone else”. I realized that’s barely truth.

My ex-boy told me something that should really make me sad. We send me an SMS saying that he was going to travel do another state (a far far state) to meet his friend, “Diih, Riih”, I really don’t remember his name. And he said that he wouldn’t be able to access internet, and if I wanted, I should look for him in his cellphone. You know, when you finish a relationship, the last thing you want to know is that the other person has just over overcome you. I definitely think that some people are so mean that just wants to make you sad to become happy.

Sorry dear, but I won’t call you. Anymore.

That’s time to make somethings clear. I overcame the ex, found a new one. Deal it. And if you don’t mind, please don’t stay in touch. I do not care about you anymore, and really don’t want to know who is the other person you will stay with.

“I just do know that this one will be so under my qualifications that the best thing I can’t tell you isn’t a “congratulations” but a “I’m so sorry for you”. You know that no one can be better than me. You know you love me. So, please, think of me while you stay with him. I think it’s the best you can do to remember who I was and who I will never be again.”

Sorry for this words. But that is something that I really should tell him. But I am not as evil as I should be, but I have sure that some words soon will be spelled to make people realize their one places. Below me.

You know you love evil people like me, so please, come back here.


Accept the difference in people…

•October 18, 2009 • Leave a Comment


Good evening people.

In the way of the previous post, I am here today in a happy feelingĀ  of calmness. Today is the day when I will say some words to you about what I’ve learned with my past, most precisely with my last relationship…

We decided in the beginning of the relationship that “we are here to make the other understand his problems, and to make him change.”

The first times, it was just fine. I was very anxious, and very questioner. He was explosive and rude sometimes. The first talks were good for understanding this problems on us… But a feeling started to appear… and this feeling destroyed everything in the end…

The feeling of intolerance.

The act of reproaching every word a person says brings the intolerance, because you don’t accept anymore the things you think that are wrong.

This is something that I wanted to bring you… Something I’ve learned with him…

You should not want to change the way the other person thinks or acts, but you should change yourself to accept this person the way he/she is…

Never reproach your friends and boy/girlfriend for the things you think that are wrong…

Accept people the way they are… this is the best and only way of having a stable relationship of any kind. The people are different.. and this is the beauty of the world… this is the only thing you have to remember always… Tolerance.

I do hope you come back for my posts…


A moment to relax…

•October 18, 2009 • 2 Comments


Good night, people.

Sometimes you realize that the bad things that happens to you in your life give you a break-to-breath. Today is one of this days.

I’m kind of happy today, because everything is looking so quite strangely normal. This is the first day in several weeks that a specific person don’t fight with me. Sorry, I haven’t introduced to you this person yet. His name is P. and he was my boyfriend couple mouths ago.

This post is not dedicated to my history with him, so I will just say to you that we stayed together for one year and one month, and probably these were the best days in my life.

In rectification: The first months were the best ones. The last ones, don’t.

We’ve gotten a difficult and special way of treating ourselves. He’s been the intolerant, and I’ve been this maquiavelic bitch. He does not accept anything I say to him, and he thinks I say somethings just to make him crazy.

And we are living in this tiring game since we’ve broken up. No good conversation, just tears and suffering. But not today. Today was different… today I realized that there’s a small chance of having an Amnistia.

Today I’ve realized that we might overcome our problems and coexist, and our future conversation might be calm and peaceful. Just in this remote future that our beautiful love of the past will finally rest in peace.

I’m leaving, but I’ll be back soon. Don’t miss me,


Picture: Peace (Heiwa) in Japanese Kanji

Starting it…

•October 17, 2009 • Leave a Comment

The best way of starting a blog is talking about the reason of its creation. This is not a blog where people can find news about famous people, or gossips about other people. Here you can find some gossip about myself and about the people around me. Probably you can say that my life is normal as the other ones, but here is the deal.. I will confess everything to you, and you will never know who am I. If you are still reading it, you’ve already acepted it.

You are here because you know you love me,



About myself

•October 17, 2009 • Leave a Comment

Baker St lightGood evening people,

I am here now to talk about myself for the people that will follow me. The first thing you have to know about me is that I am a little different from the other people. Probably because some people believe that they have a destiny in this life, and hope that one’s dreams come truth. I am not one of this people, because I just know that destiny is for people that don’t want to face the challenges of the life.

You make your own way, the way you want it to be. And I want mine shiny and perfect.

I define myself a very rational person that have a very deep problem with feelings. Not because I hate them, but because I do think that I don’t know how to deal with them. You will be able to see in the future that I am very confused sometimes, and you will see that I hate loving someone so hard, because love makes the life out of control…

I hate my life out of control.

Some of the next posts will tall about my past. Some of them about the things that are happening in my life. Some of them will show you the things I’ve learned with my last relationships, and the things I am still learning. You will see that my life has no stop-to-think times, and the feelings are so crossed sometimes that nobody will understand them. Not even me, not even you. I hope that you enjoy your reading, never forgetting our deal…

You will know everything about me, but my identity.

I do hope you come back,



Ps: The photo shows a highway, which is a good way of comparation with life. Fast, lightful and with a very predetermined final station. Sometimes life stops in a station and you think you have to get off the train. But if you wait, it will start walking again, and you will find your way. Wait your moment.